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Microservice framework for Python

Nameko is a flexible framework for creating microservices in Python. It’s easy to get started but built on powerful concepts.

Get Started

  • Mix & Match Protocols

    Microservices need to do more than just HTTP.

    Nameko lets you publish and consume asynchronous messages, with any protocol you choose. Use the built-in extensions, leverage the community, or build your own.

  • Focus on Application Logic

    Write regular Python methods and classes to implement your service.

    Connections, transports and concurrency are hidden behind clean abstractions.

  • 👁‍🗨 Helpfully Opinionated

    Nameko helps you to write service that separate concerns, and are easy to reason about and test.


  • RPC
    from nameko.rpc import rpc
    class MathService:
        name = "math"
        def add(self, *args: int):
            return sum(args)

    $ nameko run rpc
    starting services: math
    Connected to amqp://guest:**@ (1)

    1. This example requires a RabbitMQ broker to be running. See the installation page for help if you need it.
  • This is an example of a trivial RPC method. RPC is a simple way to expose remote methods with extremely low boilerplate.

    RPC methods can be called by other services, with standalone clients, or with the nameko shell:

    $ nameko shell --broker amqp://
    Nameko Python 3.8.15...
    >>> n.rpc.math.add(1,2,3) (1)

    1. The n global is a helper in the nameko shell. Its rpc attribute is a client that you can use to call RPC methods on any service in the current cluster.

    Explore RPC docs

  • HTTP
    from nameko.web.handlers import http
    class MathService:
        name = "math"
        @http("POST", "/add")
        def add(self, request):
            return 200, f"{sum(request.json)}"

    $ nameko run http_example
    starting services: math
  • It’s useful for services to also be able to handle HTTP requests.

    Nameko includes Flask-like HTTP entrypoint for this. It’s built on the same WSGI server as Flask, so has similar syntax.

    >>> import requests
    >>> response =
    >>> response.status_code
    >>> response.text

    Explore HTTP docs

  • Events
    from import EventDispatcher, event_handler
    from nameko.timer import timer
    import random
    class DispatcherService:
        name = "dispatcher"
        dispatch = EventDispatcher()  # (1)!
        def dispatching_method(self):
            self.dispatch("random_number", random.random())  # (2)!
    class ListenerService:
        name = "listener"
        @event_handler("dispatcher", "random_number")  # (3)!
        def handle_event(self, payload):
            print("listener received:", payload)
    1. Thing
    2. Thang
    3. Thong

    $ nameko run events_example
    starting services: dispatcher, listener (1)
    Connected to amqp://guest:**@

    1. This example defines two services in the same module and runs them together. This isn’t recommended for production scenarios, but it’s convenient during tests and demos.
  • Nameko’s event system is an effective way to decouple microservices from each other.

    Rather than using request-response calls to fetch data, events provide a one-way, decoupled, and buffered communication mechanism to broadcast data instead.

    This example shows to services that communicate via events. Using the timer entrypoint, the dispatcher service emits an event containing a random number every second.

    The listener service receives the events and prints the output:

    listener received: 0.7242024270508401
    listener received: 0.30384214204892646
    listener received: 0.22763038056327844
    listener received: 0.32263365251353326

    If the listener is stopped and later resumed, it will receive all the events dispatched in the mean time.

    Explore Events docs

  • gRPC
    from nameko_grpc.entrypoint import Grpc
    import grpc
    helloworld_pb2, helloworld_pb2_grpc = grpc.protos_and_services(
        "helloworld.proto"  #(1)!
    grpc = Grpc.implementing(helloworld_pb2_grpc.GreeterStub)
    class Greeter:
        name = "greeter"
        def say_hello(self, request, context):
            return helloworld_pb2.HelloReply(
                message=f"Hello, {}!"
        def say_hello_again(self, request, context):
            return helloworld_pb2.HelloReply(
                message=f"Hello again, {}!"
    1. Runs the codegen at runtime, for convenience.
  • Talk about this example

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  • Database
    from import EventDispatcher, event_handler
    from nameko.web.handlers import http
    class ServiceA:
        """ Event dispatching service. """
        name = "service_a"
        dispatch = EventDispatcher()
        @http("PUT", "/dispatch")
        def dispatching_method(self, request):
            # business logic lives here
            self.dispatch("event_type", request.body)
    class ServiceB:
        """ Event listening service. """
        name = "service_b"
        @event_handler("service_a", "event_type")
        def handle_event(self, payload):
            # business logic lives here
            print("service b received:", payload)
  • Talk about this example

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Why Nameko?
Key Concepts