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RESTRICTED_PUBLISHER_OPTIONS = ('exchange', 'routing_key', 'mandatory', 'reply_to', 'correlation_id') module-attribute

Publisher options that cannot be overridden when configuring an RPC client


Bases: object

Helper object for making RPC calls.

The target service and method name may be specified at construction time or by attribute or dict access, for example:

# target at construction time
client = Client(
    publish, register_for_reply, context_data,
    "target_service", "target_method"
client(*args, **kwargs)

# equivalent with attribute access
client = Client(publish, register_for_reply, context_data)
client = client.target_service.target_method  # now fully-specified
client(*args, **kwargs)

Calling a fully-specified Client will make the RPC call and block for the result. The call_async method initiates the call but returns an RpcReply object that can be used later to retrieve the result.

:Parameters: publish : callable Function to publish an RPC request register_for_reply : callable Function to register a new call with a reply listener. Returns another function that should be used to retrieve the response. context_data: dict Worker context data to be sent as extra headers service_name : str Optional target service name, if known method_name : str Optional target method name, if known

Source code in nameko/
class Client(object):
    """ Helper object for making RPC calls.

    The target service and method name may be specified at construction time
    or by attribute or dict access, for example:

        # target at construction time
        client = Client(
            publish, register_for_reply, context_data,
            "target_service", "target_method"
        client(*args, **kwargs)

        # equivalent with attribute access
        client = Client(publish, register_for_reply, context_data)
        client = client.target_service.target_method  # now fully-specified
        client(*args, **kwargs)

    Calling a fully-specified `Client` will make the RPC call and block for the
    result. The `call_async` method initiates the call but returns an
    `RpcReply` object that can be used later to retrieve the result.

        publish : callable
            Function to publish an RPC request
        register_for_reply : callable
            Function to register a new call with a reply listener. Returns
            another function that should be used to retrieve the response.
        context_data: dict
            Worker context data to be sent as extra headers
        service_name : str
            Optional target service name, if known
        method_name : str
            Optional target method name, if known

    def __init__(
        self, publish, register_for_reply, context_data,
        service_name=None, method_name=None
        self.publish = publish
        self.register_for_reply = register_for_reply
        self.context_data = context_data
        self.service_name = service_name
        self.method_name = method_name

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if self.method_name is not None:
            raise AttributeError(name)

        if self.service_name:
            target_service = self.service_name
            target_method = name
            target_service = name
            target_method = None

        clone = Client(
        return clone

    def fully_specified(self):
        return (
            self.service_name is not None and self.method_name is not None

    def identifier(self):
        return "{}.{}".format(
            self.service_name or "*",
            self.method_name or "*"

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Enable dict-like access on the client. """
        return getattr(self, name)

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        rpc_call = self._call(*args, **kwargs)
        return rpc_call.result()

    def call_async(self, *args, **kwargs):
        rpc_call = self._call(*args, **kwargs)
        return rpc_call

    def _call(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if not self.fully_specified:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot call unspecified method {}".format(self.identifier)

        _log.debug('invoking %s', self)

        # We use the `mandatory` flag in `producer.publish` below to catch rpc
        # calls to non-existent services, which would otherwise wait forever
        # for a reply that will never arrive.
        # However, the basic.return ("no one is listening for topic") is sent
        # asynchronously and conditionally, so we can't wait() on the channel
        # for it (will wait forever on successful delivery).
        # Instead, we make use of (the rabbitmq extension) confirm_publish
        # (, which _always_ sends a
        # reply down the channel. Moreover, in the case where no queues are
        # bound to the exchange (service unknown), the basic.return is sent
        # first, so by the time kombu returns (after waiting for the confim)
        # we can reliably check for returned messages.

        # Note that deactivating publish-confirms in the Client will disable
        # this functionality and therefore :class:`UnknownService` will never
        # be raised (and the caller will hang).

        correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        extra_headers = encode_to_headers(self.context_data)

        send_request = partial(
            self.publish, routing_key=self.identifier, mandatory=True,
            correlation_id=correlation_id, extra_headers=extra_headers
        get_response = self.register_for_reply(correlation_id)

        rpc_call = RpcCall(correlation_id, send_request, get_response)

            rpc_call.send_request(*args, **kwargs)
        except UndeliverableMessage:
            raise UnknownService(self.service_name)

        return rpc_call


Enable dict-like access on the client.

Source code in nameko/
def __getitem__(self, name):
    """Enable dict-like access on the client. """
    return getattr(self, name)


Bases: DependencyProvider

DependencyProvider for injecting an RPC client to a cluster of services into a service.

:Parameters: **publisher_options Options to configure the :class:~nameko.amqqp.publish.Publisher that sends the message.

Source code in nameko/
class ClusterRpc(DependencyProvider):
    """ DependencyProvider for injecting an RPC client to a cluster of
    services into a service.

            Options to configure the :class:`~nameko.amqqp.publish.Publisher`
            that sends the message.

    publisher_cls = Publisher

    reply_listener = ReplyListener()

    def __init__(self, **publisher_options):

            publisher_options.pop(option, None)
        self.publisher_options = publisher_options

        default_uri = config.get(AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY, DEFAULT_AMQP_URI)
        self.amqp_uri = self.publisher_options.get('uri', default_uri)

    def setup(self):

        # ReplyListener.setup() runs concurrently in another thread, so
        # we need to wait here until it's defined its queue
        while self.reply_listener.queue is None:

        exchange = get_rpc_exchange()

        default_serializer = self.container.serializer
        serializer = self.publisher_options.pop(
            'serializer', default_serializer

        default_ssl = config.get(AMQP_SSL_CONFIG_KEY)
        ssl = self.publisher_options.pop('ssl', default_ssl)

        default_login_method = config.get(LOGIN_METHOD_CONFIG_KEY)
        login_method = self.publisher_options.pop('login_method', default_login_method)

        self.publisher_options.pop('uri', None)

        self.publisher = self.publisher_cls(

    def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):

        publish = self.publisher.publish
        register_for_reply = self.reply_listener.register_for_reply

        return Client(publish, register_for_reply, worker_ctx.context_data)


Bases: SharedExtension

SharedExtension for consuming replies to RPC requests.

Creates a queue and consumes from it in a managed thread. RPC requests should register their correlation_id with :meth:~ReplyListener.register_for_reply in order for the ReplyListener to capture the reply.

Source code in nameko/
class ReplyListener(SharedExtension):
    """ SharedExtension for consuming replies to RPC requests.

    Creates a queue and consumes from it in a managed thread. RPC requests
    should register their `correlation_id` with
    :meth:`~ReplyListener.register_for_reply` in order for the `ReplyListener`
    to capture the reply.

    class ReplyConsumer(Consumer):
        """ Subclass Consumer to add disconnection check

        def __init__(self, check_for_lost_replies, *args, **kwargs):
            self.check_for_lost_replies = check_for_lost_replies
            super(ReplyListener.ReplyConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        def get_consumers(self, consumer_cls, channel):
            Check for messages lost while the reply listener was disconnected
            from the broker.

            return super(ReplyListener.ReplyConsumer, self).get_consumers(
                consumer_cls, channel

    consumer_cls = ReplyConsumer

    def __init__(self, **consumer_options):
        self.queue = None
        self.pending = {}
        self.consumer_options = consumer_options
        super(ReplyListener, self).__init__()

    def amqp_uri(self):
        return config.get(AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY, DEFAULT_AMQP_URI)

    def setup(self):

        reply_queue_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
        service_name = self.container.service_name

        queue_name = RPC_REPLY_QUEUE_TEMPLATE.format(
            service_name, reply_queue_uuid)

        self.routing_key = str(reply_queue_uuid)

        exchange = get_rpc_exchange()

        self.queue = Queue(
                'x-expires': RPC_REPLY_QUEUE_TTL

        ssl = config.get(AMQP_SSL_CONFIG_KEY)
        login_method = config.get(LOGIN_METHOD_CONFIG_KEY)

        heartbeat = self.consumer_options.pop(
            'heartbeat', config.get(HEARTBEAT_CONFIG_KEY, DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT)
        prefetch_count = self.consumer_options.pop(
            'prefetch_count', config.get(
        accept = self.consumer_options.pop(
            'accept', serialization.setup().accept

        queues = [self.queue]
        callbacks = [self.handle_message]

        self.consumer = self.consumer_cls(
            self.check_for_lost_replies, self.amqp_uri, ssl=ssl,
            login_method=login_method, queues=queues, callbacks=callbacks,
            heartbeat=heartbeat, prefetch_count=prefetch_count, accept=accept

    def start(self):

    def stop(self):

    def check_for_lost_replies(self):
        if self.pending:
                ssl = config.get(AMQP_SSL_CONFIG_KEY)
                with get_connection(self.amqp_uri, ssl) as conn:
            except NotFound:
                raise ReplyQueueExpiredWithPendingReplies(
                    "Lost replies for correlation ids:\n{}".format(

    def register_for_reply(self, correlation_id):
        """ Register an RPC call with the given `correlation_id` for a reply.

        Returns a function that can be used to retrieve the reply, blocking
        until it has been received.
        reply_event = Event()
        self.pending[correlation_id] = reply_event
        return reply_event.wait

    def handle_message(self, body, message):

        correlation_id ='correlation_id')
        rpc_call = self.pending.pop(correlation_id, None)
        if rpc_call is not None:
            _log.debug("Unknown correlation id: %s", correlation_id)


Bases: Consumer

Subclass Consumer to add disconnection check

Source code in nameko/
class ReplyConsumer(Consumer):
    """ Subclass Consumer to add disconnection check

    def __init__(self, check_for_lost_replies, *args, **kwargs):
        self.check_for_lost_replies = check_for_lost_replies
        super(ReplyListener.ReplyConsumer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_consumers(self, consumer_cls, channel):
        Check for messages lost while the reply listener was disconnected
        from the broker.

        return super(ReplyListener.ReplyConsumer, self).get_consumers(
            consumer_cls, channel

get_consumers(consumer_cls, channel)

Check for messages lost while the reply listener was disconnected from the broker.

Source code in nameko/
def get_consumers(self, consumer_cls, channel):
    Check for messages lost while the reply listener was disconnected
    from the broker.

    return super(ReplyListener.ReplyConsumer, self).get_consumers(
        consumer_cls, channel


Register an RPC call with the given correlation_id for a reply.

Returns a function that can be used to retrieve the reply, blocking until it has been received.

Source code in nameko/
def register_for_reply(self, correlation_id):
    """ Register an RPC call with the given `correlation_id` for a reply.

    Returns a function that can be used to retrieve the reply, blocking
    until it has been received.
    reply_event = Event()
    self.pending[correlation_id] = reply_event
    return reply_event.wait


Bases: object

Helper object for publishing replies to RPC calls.

Source code in nameko/
class Responder(object):
    """ Helper object for publishing replies to RPC calls.

    publisher_cls = Publisher

    def __init__(self, amqp_uri, exchange, message, ssl=None, login_method=None):
        self.amqp_uri = amqp_uri
        self.message = message = exchange
        self.ssl = ssl
        self.login_method = login_method

    def send_response(self, result, exc_info):

        error = None
        if exc_info is not None:
            error = serialize(exc_info[1])

        # send response encoded the same way as was the request message
        content_type =['content_type']
        serializer = kombu.serialization.registry.type_to_name[content_type]

        # disaster avoidance serialization check: `result` must be
        # serializable, otherwise the container will commit suicide assuming
        # unrecoverable errors (and the message will be requeued for another
        # victim)

            kombu.serialization.dumps(result, serializer)
        except Exception:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
            # `error` below is guaranteed to serialize to json
            error = serialize(UnserializableValueError(result))
            result = None

        payload = {'result': result, 'error': error}

        routing_key =['reply_to']
        correlation_id ='correlation_id')

        publisher = self.publisher_cls(
            self.amqp_uri, ssl=self.ssl, login_method=self.login_method


        return result, exc_info


Bases: Entrypoint

A limitation of using a shared queue for all RPC entrypoints is that we can’t accept per-entrypoint consumer options. The best solution to this is to start using a queue per entrypoint, but this will require a consumer (and if using kombu, a connection) per entrypoint.

For the time being consumer options are not supported in RPC entrypoints.

Source code in nameko/
class Rpc(Entrypoint):
    A limitation of using a shared queue for all RPC entrypoints is
    that we can't accept per-entrypoint consumer options. The best solution
    to this is to start using a queue per entrypoint, but this will require
    a consumer (and if using kombu, a connection) per entrypoint.

    For the time being consumer options are not supported in RPC entrypoints.
    rpc_consumer = RpcConsumer()

    def setup(self):

    def stop(self):

    def handle_message(self, body, message):
            args = body['args']
            kwargs = body['kwargs']
        except KeyError:
            raise MalformedRequest('Message missing `args` or `kwargs`')

        self.check_signature(args, kwargs)

        context_data = decode_from_headers(message.headers)

        handle_result = partial(self.handle_result, message)

        def spawn_worker():
                    self, args, kwargs,
            except ContainerBeingKilled:

        service_name = self.container.service_name
        method_name = self.method_name

        # we must spawn a thread here to prevent handle_message blocking
        # when the worker pool is exhausted; if this happens the AMQP consumer
        # is also blocked and fails to send heartbeats, eventually causing it
        # to be disconnected
        # TODO replace global worker pool limits with per-entrypoint limits,
        # then remove this waiter thread
        ident = u"{}.wait_for_worker_pool[{}.{}]".format(
            type(self).__name__, service_name, method_name
        self.container.spawn_managed_thread(spawn_worker, identifier=ident)

    def handle_result(self, message, worker_ctx, result, exc_info):
        result, exc_info = self.rpc_consumer.handle_result(
            message, result, exc_info)
        return result, exc_info


Bases: object

Encapsulates a single RPC request and response.

:Parameters: correlation_id : str Identifier for this call send_request : callable Function that initiates the request get_response : callable Function that retrieves the response

Source code in nameko/
class RpcCall(object):
    """ Encapsulates a single RPC request and response.

        correlation_id : str
            Identifier for this call
        send_request : callable
            Function that initiates the request
        get_response : callable
            Function that retrieves the response
    _response = None

    def __init__(self, correlation_id, send_request, get_response):
        self.correlation_id = correlation_id
        self._send_request = send_request
        self._get_response = get_response

    def send_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Send the RPC request to the remote service
        payload = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}

    def get_response(self):
        """ Retrieve the response for this RPC call. Blocks if the response
        has not been received.
        if self._response is not None:
            return self._response

        self._response = self._get_response()
        return self._response

    def result(self):
        """ Return the result of this RPC call, blocking if the response
        has not been received.

        Raises a `RemoteError` if the remote service returned an error
        response = self.get_response()
        error = response.get('error')
        if error:
            raise deserialize(error)
        return response['result']


Retrieve the response for this RPC call. Blocks if the response has not been received.

Source code in nameko/
def get_response(self):
    """ Retrieve the response for this RPC call. Blocks if the response
    has not been received.
    if self._response is not None:
        return self._response

    self._response = self._get_response()
    return self._response


Return the result of this RPC call, blocking if the response has not been received.

Raises a RemoteError if the remote service returned an error response.

Source code in nameko/
def result(self):
    """ Return the result of this RPC call, blocking if the response
    has not been received.

    Raises a `RemoteError` if the remote service returned an error
    response = self.get_response()
    error = response.get('error')
    if error:
        raise deserialize(error)
    return response['result']

send_request(*args, **kwargs)

Send the RPC request to the remote service

Source code in nameko/
def send_request(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Send the RPC request to the remote service
    payload = {'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs}


Bases: ClusterRpc

DependencyProvider for injecting an RPC client to a specific service into a service.

As per :class:~nameko.rpc.ClusterRpc but with a pre-specified target service.

:Parameters: target_service : str Target service name

Source code in nameko/
class ServiceRpc(ClusterRpc):
    """ DependencyProvider for injecting an RPC client to a specific service
    into a service.

    As per :class:`~nameko.rpc.ClusterRpc` but with a pre-specified target

        target_service : str
            Target service name

    def __init__(self, target_service, **kwargs):
        self.target_service = target_service
        super(ServiceRpc, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    def get_dependency(self, worker_ctx):
        client = super(ServiceRpc, self).get_dependency(worker_ctx)
        return getattr(client, self.target_service)